mglink blog

About Miguel Guhlin

Welcome to Miguel Guhlin’s, where he highlights items of interest relevant to folks who may read his blog entries, attend his workshops in his work at TCEA.

Why Micro Blog

Often, Miguel wants to share things quickly (the perfect use of a micro blog like this one), but it’s not appropriate for a full length blog entry at TCEA TechNotes or a Google Sites website. What’s more, Miguel has been relying on a ton of third party sites (e.g. Diigo, Voxer, Simplenote, Dropbox) to organize and share content that’s just-in-time, supplemental, and totally worth organizing. Micro blog steps into the gap with a suite of tools he can run off his iPhone and keep things simple.

Read the TCEA TechNotes Blog

Read the TCEA TechNotes blog online at